Tillgång till Office när du vill från alla dina enheter

Med Microsoft 365 samarbetar och kommunicerar du enkelt med vänner och kollegor via e-post, delade dokument och delade kalendrar. Via den obegränsade lagringen i molnet når du dina dokument oavsett om du befinner dig på kontoret, ute på uppdrag eller nedsjunken i din favoritfåtölj. Arbetet sker snabbt och effektivt i webbläsaren eller i dina Office-program, som alltid är uppdaterade till den senaste versionen.

Microsoft 365-produkter som passar dig

Business Basic

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6,30 /månad (moms 0%)

E-post, kalender och kontakter i affärsklass - utan behov av tidigare IT-kunskaper.

  • 50 GB e-postutrymme
  • 1 TB molnlagring
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Office Online


Business Standard

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12,40 /månad (moms 0%)

Få tillgång till den senaste versionen av Office och e-post i ett och samma paket.

  • 5 installationer av Office-paketet
  • 50 GB e-postutrymme
  • 1 TB molnlagring
  • Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, OneNote
  • Microsoft Teams


Business Premium

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21,30 /månad (moms 0%)

Ta verksamheten till nästa nivå med hela Office-paketet och ett flertal extrafunktioner.

  • Alla Business Standard licensens egenskaper samt:
  • Azure Protection Plan 1 (krypterad e-post, säkra länkar och bilagor)
  • Windows Defender för Office 365 (avancerat skydd mot olika cyberhot)
  • Villkorsstyrd åtkomst (ge åtkomst till företagets data endast från betrodda enheter och användare)



Our hosting features

Control panel

Control panel

All of our web hosting plans come with cPanel.

All about cPanel

With cPanel you can easily manage every aspect of your web hosting account. From creating custom email addresses all the way to editing your website files. The best thing about cPanel is that it can be accessed easily from any computer with an Internet connection.

cPanel features

cPanel allows you to easily:

  • Manage your website files with its browser based file manager (e.g upload, delete, edit files)
  • Create/delete email accounts of your choice (@yourcompany.com) and access webmail via your browser
  • Install/remove software on your account with the help of Softaculous (Wordpress, Joomla etc)
  • Create/manage/delete databases and privileges
  • Manage account backups
  • View your account statistics (visitors to your website, their country/computer specs etc)

Script installer

Script installer

All of our web hosting plans come with Softaculous script installer.

All about Softaculous

Softaculous is a application built into cPanel that allows you to easily install from over 150 free scripts/software. Software includes Wordpress, Joomla, phpBB, Magento, Prestashop and many more. No matter which type of website you're looking to build we provide access to software that'll make it easier to create and manage your website/blog/forum/online store!

Popular Softaculous scripts

  • eCommerce - Magento, Presta Shop, WHMCS
  • CMS - Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal
  • Forum - MyBB, phpBB



All of our web hosting packages come with LiteSpeed. LiteSpeed is up to 9 times faster than Apache (standard web server setup). LiteSpeed fully supports everything that Apache uses such as .htaccess and mod_rewrite so if your website loads quickly on an Apache server it will be even faster on our servers!

Why LiteSpeed?

  • Processes PHP 50% faster, wow! - (Wordpress which is the most popular software uses PHP)
  • 3 times faster than SSL Apache hosting!